terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2004

today is the worst day of my life....at all....i don't want to eat....i don't want to pay attention, i feel like shit, my chess doesn't stop this burning, my whole world came down today.....i have no wish to live in this fuckin' world anymore.........all because of this fuckin' day of sheet........i hate myself because of that.....today will enter for the history of my life...as the worst fucking day at all. and for those who knows how to read this but still aren't understanding, kiss my ass.........i don't give a fuck........this is just how i fell now.....i wanna cry alone :'(

Um comentário:

  1. Anônimo8:40 PM

    Cara...vc pensa parecido comigo de vez em quando...
    Vai ai uma frase pra gente: "what the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here"


